Mission Statement

Recent Presentations

Recent Publications





Data Sets


Auditory-Visual Speech Recognition Laboratory
Bethesda, MD 20889-5600
(301) 919-2957

The papers below are from recent presentations given at national meetings of the Acoustical Society of America or at the NIH. Please feel free to contact the authors for further information.

ICPhS 95, Stockholm, Sweden August, 1995: (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Predicting auditory-visual speech perception in hearing-impaired listeners.

NIH 1997

Hearing-impaired listeners' auditory, visual, and audio-visual word recognition speed: Predicting individual differences.

Considerations for the development and fitting of hearing-aids for auditory-visual communication.

Acoustical Society of America, 1997 Penn State

Hearing-impaired perceivers' encoding and retrieval speeds for auditory, visual, and audio-visual spoken words. 

Acoustical Society of America, 1997 San Diego:

Computational Approaches to Relating Consonant and Sentence Recognition Test Scores. 

Acoustical Society of America, 1998 Seattle:

"The Use of Visible Speech Cues (Speechreading) for Directing Auditory Attention: Reducing Temporal and Spectral Uncertainty in Auditory Detection of Spoken Sentences". 

(Extended 2-Page Abstract)

Poster Presentation (HTML version) or (PDF File)

AVSP99, 1999 Santa Cruz: (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Modality, Perceptual Encoding Speed, and Time-Course of Phonetic Information.

Acoustical Society of America, 2000 Atlanta: (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Effect of Speechreading on Masked Thresholds for Filtered Speech

IHCON 2000, Lake Tahoe, CA (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Integration Efficiency for Speech Understanding Within and Across Sensory Modalities

AVSP2001, 2001 Scheelsminde, Denmark: (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Speech Intelligibility Derived From Asynchronous Processing of Auditory-Visual Information

Central Institute for the Deaf, 2001, St. Louis: (Power Point Presentation)

Auditory-Visual Integration: Implications for the New Millennium

Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 2001, San Diego: (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Timing of Auditory-Visual Integration in the McGurk Effect (Virginie van Wassenhove, U. MD)

Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting, 2002, San Francisco: (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Temporal Integration in the McGurk Effect (Virginie van Wassenhove, U. MD)

Acoustical Society of America, 2002 Pittsburgh: (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Should visual cues (speechreading) be considered when fitting hearing aids?

It's About Time: Presentation In Honor of Ira Hirsh.

American Academy of Audiolgy, 2003 San Antonio: (PDF  File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader

Predicting Hearing Aid Usefulness (Therese C. Walden)

Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting, 2003, New York: (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Electrophysiological Profile of Auditory-Visual Speech: ERP Study  (Virginie van Wassenhove, U. MD)

ATR Workshop "Speech Dynamics by Ear, Eye, Mouth and Machine", 2003, Kyoto, Japan

Auditory Supplements to Speechreading (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) (Slide Presentation

Eurospeech "Time Is Of The Essence-- Dynamic Approaches to Spoken Language", 2003, Geneva, Switzerland (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Spectro-Temporal Interactions in Auditory-Visual Speech Processing  (Slide Presentation)

AVSP2003 (Auditory Visual Speech Processing), 2003, St. Jorioz, France

Discrimination of Auditory-Visual Synchrony  (Slide Presentation)

Electrophysiology of Auditory-Visual Speech Integration (Slide Presentation) (Virginie van Wassenhove, U. MD)

Acoustical Society of America, 2004, New York, NY

Spectro-Temporal Interactions in Auditory-Visual Perception: How the Eyes Modulate what the Ears Hear
(This is a pdf file with embedded sounds and movies. As a result, some pages take a while to load. The movies and sound should play automatically when the page loads. To stop the movie from playing, hit the escape key. If the three movie samples do not play they can be downloaded seperately here: Musical Demo, McGurk Demo, Speech-in-Noise Demo).

International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians, 2004, Frankfurt, Germany

Effect of Signal-to-Noise Ratio on Microphone Preferences and Benefit (PDF  File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Acoustical Society of America, 2005, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Frequency Band Importance Functions for Auditory and Auditory-Visual Speech Recognition (Power Point Slide Presentation)

American Academy of Audiology, 2006 Washington, DC: (PDF  File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Predicting OMNI/DIR Microphone Preferences
(The following talks have not yet been uploaded .... copies available upon request)
Acoustical Society of America, 2006 Providence, RI
Frequency-Band Importance Functions for Auditory and Auditory-Visual Speech by Hearing-Impaired Adults (Power Point Slide Presentation)
State of the Science Conference on Hearing Enhancement, 2006 Gallaudet University, Washington, DC
Directional Technologies and Outcomes: Predicting OMNI/DIR Microphone Preferences (Power Point Slide Presentation)
Acoustical Society of America, 2007 Salt Lake City, UT
Frequency Band-Importance Functions for Auditory and Auditory-Visual Sentence Recognition (Power Point Slide Presentation)
Temporal Dynamics in Speech and Hearing, 2007 Antwerp, Belgium
Effects of Cross-Spectral and Cross-Modal Temporal Synchrony on Speech Perception Models of Speech Intelligibility (Power Point Slide Presentation) 
International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, 2007 Helsingør, Denmark
Models of Speech Perception: Challenges and Solutions (Power Point Slide Presentation)
Frequency Dependence of the Visual Benefit to Speech Intelligibility in Complex Noise (Power Point Slide Presentation)

Toward an Individual-Specific Model of Impaired Speech Intelligibility (PDF File, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Acoustical Society of America, 2008 Paris, FRANCE

Bernstein, J.G., and Grant, K.W. (2008). “The role of temporal fine structure in speech source segregation,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 3711. Power Point Presentation (PDF File)

Grant, K.W., Phatak, S.A., and Grassi, E. (2008). “Understanding the complex modulation spectrum for consonants and consonant features,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 3933. Power Point Presentation (PDF File)